
Enrichment/After School

The children are invited to learn American Sign language through singing, dancing, reading books and playing games! I know your school wants only the best for your students.  I too share the passion of children being given the opportunity to reach their full potential.  I would love to discuss how adding a Sign language class to your enrichment program would create a unique interest from your students and families.  Additionally, the positive impact that is carried over into their everyday learning environment. 

Sign language is a great bridge between two spoken languages!  It's a common factor when introducing new vocabulary in the new language.



A Few Benefits:

  • Learn another language
  • Serves as a "language bridge"
  • Heighten IQ
  • Increase literacy skills
  • Reinforce verbal language
  • Communicate frustrations more clearly
  • Reduction in aggressive behavior

Staff  Training

(OCCD Registered. CEUS Available)

Your childcare center has the opportunity to enhance revenues and strengthen your competitive position by developing a reputation as a signing resource in your area.   

Incorporating Sign language into your everyday interactions with your students not only exposes them to a second language, but empowers them with an alternate way to express their emotions, therefore reducing frustrations. Caregivers report that signing significantly reduces problems with biting.   

Signing does not eliminate the use of speech.  On the contrary, it enhances and promotes the communication process while further developing the language and motor skills of all children.

Training plans are customized to meet your program's needs.

A Few Benefits:

  • Helps Lower Noise Levels by reducing frustrated screaming and crying.
  • Minimizes stress and frustration when meeting the needs of many children at once.
  • Reduces the "guesswork" in meeting each child's maintenance needs resulting in more available time for positive, developmental interactions.
  • Gives children with special needs the opportunity to interact with typically developing children.
Sign2Me NCAP